June 19, 2010

Review on Metroid Prime

Developer(s): Retro Studios
Publisher(s): Nintendo
System(s): Nintendo Gamecube
Genre(s): First-person shooter, action-adventure
Release Date: (NA) November 19, 2002 (EU) March 21, 2003
Rating: Teen

This game is full of great fun and adventure. Sometimes frustrating, this game is full of many puzzles and fighting skill much like Legend of Zelda. This game is basically a futuristic first person shooter but also an adventure game. throughout the game you will have a lot of data to scan from enemies you see for the first time, to computer data. You can even scan bosses if you ever get a chance without getting hit by it. Something I do not like very much about this game though is that you have to keep playing until you find a room that allows you to save.

It all starts when Samus Aran lands on the Space Pirate Frigate, a ship that orbits around the planet, Tallon IV, after hearing a signal of distress about its crew that had just been slaughtered by the space pirate's experiments. On the Space Pirate Frigate after she defeats the Parasite Queen the giant extraterrestrial monster falls to the core of the ship quickly dying. This causes the space ship to countdown to its self-destruction, giving Samus only a couple of minutes to get out of it so she can survive avoiding enemies and space pirates on the way. half way out of the ship she meets up with her old pal, Ridley, except this time Ridley has been transformed by the space pirates into a cyborg beast renamed, Meta Ridley, due to being damaged so badly from last time Samus defeated it, flying away, Samus quickly gets out and starts chasing Meta Ridley, but loses it. She lands on the planet Tallon IV and that's when the game really starts.

Metroid Prime is the first 3-D Metroid game in the series and had very good graphics at the time. They are very well designed and there is a lot of depth in them. I also enjoy how they make them so detailed at times if you look at close ups on Samus's head inside the robot suit you can see her face through the green glass.

Extra Features:
A special extra feature has been added to this game too. If you own any kind of Gameboy Advance with the game Metroid Fusion (Beaten). Then with a Gamecube and a special cord called, the Link Cable, that allows you to connect the Gamecube with the Gameboy Advance along with Metroid Prime and the beaten game of Metroid Fusion in each system and you can acquire the NES Metroid game playable on Metroid Prime.

This is a very fun Gamecube game I love it. It gets an 8/10 recommended to any kind of a gamer.


NES Metroid Cheatcodes
All Power-Ups and suitless Samus- JUSTIN BAILEY
Suitless Samus- 000000 000020 000000 000020
Infinite health, ammo and upgrades- NARPAS SWORDO 0000
Hard Mode- 999999 999999 KKKKKK KKKKKK


  1. Awesome, its pretty cool that you followed my advice. This looks much more professional and organized. You should try out making little banners from 1-10 so you can "stamp" them with a score.

    Also, in your gameplay section, you repeated the phrase "this game..." too many times, try not to do that when writing, people don't like reading repetition. And i wanted to hear more about the guns and powers, its a huge part of Metroid.

    Cool review!

  2. Thanks I'll try some more of that thanks for trying to help.
