March 21, 2010

Review on Animal Crossing: Wild World

Okay I am gonna start reviewing older games as well as new games and to start off with that I'm gonna review one of my favorite DS games, Animal Crossing: Wild World. This game usually looks like a stupid game judging by the cover but it is not stupid at all. If your one of those people who love virtual life games and animals this games is both of those packed in one. In this game you start off as a human that will move to a village filled with talking animals typical nintendo idea don't you think? Well it's still a very good game. Everyday your local store in the game will have different collectible items to put around your house, you can make your house bigger by paying your mortgage to your landlord, you can do other stuff too like buy accessories, sell stuff you don't want, send mail to animals in your town, visit your friends' towns through wi-fi, and more you can also do stuff you can't do in real life like shoot down a UFO with a sling shot, shoot down a mail carrying pelican also with a slingshot, get screamed at by a annoying yet funny mole that gets mad at you whenever you reset the game without saving, hit rocks with gold shovels and get bags of money that fly out of them and alot of stuff! The possibilities are almost endless in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

1 comment:

  1. I do seem to enjoy those type of games but only for a few hours, then it bores me. Nice review though, well-written.

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