March 19, 2010

*Old School Game Reviews* Review On Pokemon Blue and Red Version

In my opinion these are two of the best pokemon games in history. They have way more surprises and mystery's then the newer games, like how the last gym leader stays in a locked up gym and when you finally fight him you will be very surprised who it is. This game has all the original starters, Gary, the original Elite 4, and much more. This game is so fun and still ejoyed by the few people who still own a gameboy in this world today, one of those people are me. Now the graphics I didn't appreciate to much but nobody should expect good graphics from a gameboy even though I still thought they could've been a little better. The music was some of my favorite things about this game you cannot get pokemon music like that these days. The games frustrate me sometimes but those features in the series hasn't been improved yet infact some things frustrate me in the new pokemon games that didn't in pokemon red and blue. This game is the greatest I give it an 8 out of 10

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